




Weg - Dolcinópolis

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The company was founded on September 16, 1961 by Werner Ricardo Voigt, Eggon João da Silva and Geraldo Werninghaus as Eletromotores Jaragua. Later the company started to use corporate name WEG SA., Whose name is the combination of the initials of the three founders.

In 1970 it began operating in the international market by exporting its products to several countries in Latin America and in 1971 went public on the Bovespa.

In September 1975 he reached the mark of 1 million engines manufactured.

Initially producing electric motors, WEG started to expand its activities from the 80s, with the production of electrical machinery, electronics components, industrial automation products, power and distribution transformers, liquid and powdered paints and varnishes eletroisolantes.

In 1988 it was created the WEG Exportadora, a company created to export the WEG products in the international market.

In September 1991 he began performing in North America to open a branch called WEG Electric Corp. in the United States. Before opening a subsidiary in the United States, WEG has exported its products to the US market since 1977.

In September 1992 starts working in Europe by acquiring a company in Belgium to export their products throughout the European continent. Currently the Belgian subsidiary called WEG Benelux.

In 1994 he entered the Asian market after opening a subsidiary in Japan, and the following year also started to operate in Germany and Australia.

In March 2009 it closed its factory in Guarulhos and laid off 370 people, the allegation of the dismissal was due to a restructuring of the electric motors for home appliances division and also because of the international economic crisis.

In 2011 WEG enters the wind turbines market.

PDF: Capacitores Correção do Fator de Potência PDF: Chaves de Partida Manobra e Proteção de Motores Elétricos PDF: Automação Saca Fusível FSW Rotativa Porta Fusível RFW Rotativa RIW PDF: Automação Comando e Sinalização - Linha CEW PDF: Automação Catálogo Geral Contatores e Relés de Sobrecarga PDF: Automação Controladores Lógicos Programáveis - CLPs Relé Programável PDF: MMW e PFW Multimedidor de Grandezas Elétricas e Controlador Automático do Fator de Potência PDF: Disjuntores em Caixa Moldada PDF: Automação Fusíveis aR e gL/gG PDF: Disjuntores-Motores MPW Manobra e Proteção de Motores Elétricos até 100 A PDF: Automação Interfaces Homem-Máquina PDF: Automação Inversores de Frequência PDF: Automação Comando e Sinalização - Linha CSW PDF: Automação Minidisjuntores MDW e MDWH Quadros de Distribuição QDW Disjuntores em Caixa Moldada Predial DWP Interruptores Diferenciais Residuais RDW Dispositivos de Proteção Contra Surto SPW PDF: Motor de Indução Trifásico Rotor Bobinado com Sistema Motorizado de Levantamento das Escovas PDF: Motores Aplicações Comerciais e Residenciais PDF: Motores Aplicações Industriais PDF: W22 para Redutor Tipo 1 PDF: Automação Relés de Sobrecarga Térmico PDF: Automação Relés Eletrônicos g RTW - Temporizador g RPW - Protetor g RNW - Controle de nível PDF: AutomaçãoSoft-Starters PDF: W22 Premium Motor trifásico PDF: W22 Super Premium Motor de Indução Trifásico
